A friend was talking on Facebook yesterday about how tired she was of the perfect bloggers- makeup, clean house, well behaved children, life put together. Now, nobody has EVER accused me of those things, but just because I can, I want to share some things I've learned in my measley decade of being a mom. But, before you read them and fall off your chair because they aren't what experts would call ideal, please realize that every family is different. Different dynamics, different personalities, different needs. Every kid, every couple, every person. I turned 30 this year and had to decide how I felt about things. I realized that it's time to be happy with ME! We'll talk after I post a few FABULOUS cell phone pics that I took today. I may be a photographer by trade, but 99% of my real life is captured in my cell phone.
This is me, nursing Abraham. He's not very happy with it at the moment because I keep squirting the back of his mouth with my heavy duty stream. My hair is greasy because I screwed up my shampoo schedule- and while I LOVE dry shampoo, it only looks dry for a few hours each use on me. Oh yeah, and yesterday's makeup is still on.
I also homeschool 2 kids and send one to public school. Then the two little ones who aren't school age yet. Today for school, we're watching Monumental- getting ready for Thanksgiving. Little do my older kids know that when we finish it on Monday, they'll have a writing assignment about what they learned. We do most of our homeschooling right here, on my bed. These are my girls, playing with the names I had entered for the K'Nex giveaway. My bed is a mess. It usually is, though I have been making a SERIOUS effort to clear it off daily and keep it decent. See that cars pillow? That's because last night, Vaughn was scared and didn't want to sleep alone. I'll talk more about that in a minute.
Alright, those are the only pictures I have for today.
I'm going to talk about me!
(Speaking of, I love this video:
http://youtu.be/HxUuDPNbkJk )
I am a little bit crunchy, But mostly because I'm lazy.
I didn't finish this post.