Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Hey look, I've been known to scraplift. And use a gajillion ideas off of Pinterest. Today, however, I'm postlisting!! My friend Jeanette has a blog and she lifted an idea from a friend. Now I"m lifting it from her. Hope that's cool with them!!

Reading:  Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. FAR more violent than I thought it would be. I suppose my Buffy experience has spoiled me a little. I expect tiny bite marks and dustings. Not.... yick... this. Also reading a TOP SECRET book that one of my amazing friends has authored. I really want to tell you all about it, but I must wait for her to get it published. Also currently reading the Book of Mormon as I try to always do, but right now I'm in the most exciting parts and I LOVE it!!!

Watching: at this VERY moment? Shawn the Sheep. I have sick kids. And they sneak Daleks in every now and then, ok? On my watch list- Doctor Who (we're on the second go round), Downton Abbey, Doc Martin (just finished all that is on Netflix of that), Castle, Bones, Community (don't spoil things, I'm only on Season 1), Modern Family, Once Upon A Time, Raising Hope. Ok, the secret is out. We are TV JUNKIES!!!!

Procrastinating:  getting ready for the day, making Scouts Jeopardy, and cleaning my house

 Wanting:  a laptop and a newer version of PhotoShop Elements

Craving:  Nothing at the moment. I've got a caker on either side of my mouth, so eating hurts.

Wearing:  Jeans, a cute shirt, and this general idea, but I used an old cami that was too short, cut off the top and viola!

Relieved by: The fact that my friend's husband found a spare key to our van when he was helping us one time because Roger just called me from Salt Lake and he has my keys.

Stressing about: Sick kids and Scouts Jeopardy

Missing: the use of my mouth, blue skies

Addicted to: Well, this is a loaded question. Probably Doctor Who would be up there at the top of everything. Currently the game Alchemy. Shut up, I know it's stupid.

 Trying:  to be more THERE for my kids. Put away distractions when I talk to them. LISTEN to what they say.

Needing: A shower. Sleep. and a Housekeeper.

Annoyed by: the fact that we can't seem to all get healthy

 Feeling guilty about:  My messy house

Tired of: having sick kids

Thankful for: Netflix, Modern Medicine, the Gospel

Enjoying: Valentine's Day preparations, celebrations, and general feelings of LOVE

 Looking forward to: Roller skating with Xander for his Valentine's Party

Suffering from:  ADHD. Which, isn't always a bad thing. IT just is when I 'm supposed to be doing other stuff. Also, just coming off a cold. And these STUPID cankers! And lack of sleep.

Hoping: My kids feel better soon

Loving: My life. That might sound stupid, esp just after I complained, but really, I've got it good. I really, truly do LOVE MY LIFE!

 Proud of myself for: Finally admitting that, you know what? I'm talented!

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