Friday, April 29, 2011

How COOL is this book?!?!!

So, I had an Usborne books party recently and I got my stuff yesterday!!! You know, there is always some risk on getting a book by just looking at the cover. This time, however, goes beyond being pleasantly surprised. I can't remember if I got 9 or 10 books, I'm so excited about all of them!! This one in particular, though, I'm gaga over. Here's what the picture in the catalog looked like:

So, from the cover, you can only guess on the size, page number and all that (unless it was all written there and I just didn't look, which happens a lot). I got it for myself, because it looked fun. When I got it, I could barely SPEAK for the awe I was in!!
Here are a few of the pages....

And then, to top it all off.... the book is THICK... Like, THIS thick!!

LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! I am so using some of the stuff I doodle in this book on my art journals!

Now, run along to Kimberly's website and order stuff!!! My party is closed, so it won't count towards it, but you'll be happy if you get this book!!

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