Friday, October 4, 2024

Digital Scrapbook Day

 What is the best weekend of the year?!?! This one coming up! Both DSD and General Conference!!! <3  And as a bonus, I don't work this weekend! So aside from the housecleaning we plan to do during conference and the 72 Hour Kit preparations, I plan on scrapping.

Want to get in on the goods? If General Conference is the goods you are looking for, then check out this link!

If DSD is what you are looking for, GingerScraps is the place to be! And remember how I bragged on all the amazing templates that Miss Fish puts out? She has a grab bag on sale this weekend where you can get 16 templates in a grab bag for $6

Want to see one of my favorites in the mix? The set is called Cozy Autumn Moments. I used #2

(the kit I used was from GingerScraps. It's called Shine Like a Sunflower and you can buy it, but I got it free for spending $10 in the shop in September).

I'm hoping to add a couple of more pages from this grab bag throughout the weekend.

AND! On top of that, today the kit Milk and Cookies by Twin Mom Scraps releases. I am in love with this kit, you don't even know. I know, I say that a lot. But LOOK AT THESE PAGES
I was working on this kit when Jules told me she was going to bake at Grandma's so I begged them both to please include chocolate chip cookies in their baking and please PLEASE take pics for me. They obliged! They got delicious cookies in Utah and I got a fantastic page in Kentucky.

For this page, I used Connie Prince's template for #2022 September. Also I will note that the glitter parts were using aa pattern from Gingerscraps Sunkissed Memories

This photo is my mom when she was 4 years old. If anyone doubted if we were related, they could look at my kids and look at this photo and know! 

If you're looking for the kit in the shop, BOLO for this image (which I've totally linked) This one is only available at My Memories, so just aheads up

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Template Love

 New Month!!! This week I've got a couple of Miss Fish Design's Simply Stacked Layouts. This bundle is on sale for $6, which is a great deal because you get 16 templates!!

Here are my layouts, one of them using template 108 and one using 116.

The kit I used for this was "In The Garden"

For this one, I used "Be The Reason" by Jumpstart Designs

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Cat Life

 I got so excited about the last release and my trip to Tennessee that I completely spaced posting about Twin Mom Scraps newest kit, Cat Life.  I love the colors of this kit! And I love that I have kitties, so it was perfect.

And as usual, it's on sale!! Get the kit for less than $5 or the bundle for less than $10!

My pages feature my Meows.

You should definitely drop in to Gingerscraps an check them out. Or, if you prefer, head over to My Memories and grab them there!

Friday, September 20, 2024

Traveler's Notebook

 I am so excited to be on ANOTHER CT. This time, it's not for a kit designer but a template designers. Templates are pretty much my favorite thing ever. When I first started scrapping, I thought they were cheating. But now that I've discovered how amazing they are, I have definitely changed my mind. I've been known to use the same template over and over, changing things around, flipping them upside down or rotating them. It just makes the pages go so much faster.

Not only did I get on a template design team, but I'm fairly certain that Ms Fish is one of the greatest template designers of the moment!! Of all the templates I've purchased, 90% of them are hers. So this was an extra privilege and honor for me to be picked for her team, even though it's temporary.

I present to you, Ms Fish's Traveler's Notebook Journey Bundle!

Can you see which page I did?!
How amazing is this sale, though? 
Traveler's Notebook Journey Bundle
Bundle $5.50 which is 60% off regular 13.20

(oh, and here's the answer to which one is mine)

If you want to see more of how Ms Fish Template's are used, check out her gallery here or her FB page here.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Hold, Please

 I wrote this poem a few years ago. Finally got around to scrapping it. <3 

Kit is my new favorite- it's called Take Note and it was one of the prizes from Ginger Scrap's Summer Scrap A Thon. For real, I love it so much!!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

New Month: New Challenges: New Kits!!

 Last month was SO MANY layouts!!!!

I highly doubt I'll get another 31 pages done, but I am excited about the options both at GS and Sweet Shoppe. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I really REALLY wish Sweet Shoppe had kits as their rewards. If you do 8 pages, you get 25% off a kit, 16 pages gets you 40% off.

At Gingerscraps, however, doing 10 pages gets you an awesome kit- THAT YOU GET TO USE for an automatic next month's challenge. 

Before I explain the challenges I'm most excited about, I want to introduce you to Book Nook, by Twin Mom Scraps. Remember you can join her FB Fan Group for freebies and chances to win her kits. 

As usual, it's on sale.  BUY IT HERE

There's actually a whole bundle if you want a great deal.

Buy the Bundle Here.

OH, did you want to see what I made with it?! Good, because I love this. I do realize the placement of "My Favorite" makes it look like Lorelai specifically is my favorite, but no. It's that Xander and Lorelai are such good buddies. Seeing them together- that's my favorite!!!

I was able to use that page in the Buffet Challenge at Gingerscraps this month. I"m very much looking forward to participating in the Daily Download challenge for the first time (though I did miss 3 days, so I don't have a whole alpha). Other challenges I can't wait for at GS include Year of Blessings, where I'll talk about work, All About Me, where I get to talk about FOOTBALL, Document Your Life where I get to feature my sailor, and the journaling prompt where I'll be sharing a poem I wrote.

Over at Sweet Shoppe, I am excited to particpate in the "currently" challenge, talking about what I'm watching or reading, I'm still trying to decide. I also love that I can do a page about my favorite things I did this summer, plus pages featuring a big ampersand and torn edges. 

It's going to be a great Scrappy month and I also convinced my parents to send me some photos, so be looking for some vintage images!!

Actually, I think I"m going to enter this page into the "happy or meloncholy" page since I feel like my dad and his brothers are your standard oldest, middle, youngest. My dad's being a little silly in the pic, his big brother standing straight up listening, and his little brother wondering why he has to stand there at all. My grandma looks beautiful here, but tired, as I'm sure being a single mom was.
The kit I used for that one was called Adventures in Memory Keeping by K Cronin.

Friday, August 30, 2024

August: Peridot

 This kit felt like a personal birthday gift to me. It's called August: Peridot and it happened to IN my birthday month, yeah. Meant to be.

And as usual with Twin Mom Scraps, when a kit is released it is on sale!!! So go GET IT HERE (or at My Memories if you prefer) and while you're following my links and looking for fantastic deals, you should also check out Twin Moms Scraps FAN PAGE. She has freebies!

Here is a preview of everything you get in this beauty of a kit:

Sunday, August 18, 2024

So amazing!!

 You guys! I won Layout of the Week at Gingerscraps with this page:

I am so honored!! (as a reminder, the kit is Gingerscraps Airplane Mode). 

Friday, August 16, 2024

Home Sweet Home

 It's been so long since I've been on a Creative Team. I am just beyond thrilled to be on one now!!!! This kit, I felt, was incredibly appropriate given my scrap goals and our live changes in the last few years. I've been trying to document Lorelai mostly, but really, our whole family. 

Here is another page I did with this kit

This gorgeous kit is called Home Sweet Home. 

You can get it on Gingerscraps (where I spend most of my time) FOR 40% OFF!!!! or on My Memories. And, if you're on Facebook, you can join Twin Mom Scraps Fan group and get FREEBIES!! And she has contests to win her kits sometimes, too!

Want to see what other creative team memories have made with this awesome Kit? Checkadis!

by Tammy

by Dawn

by Kat

by Evelyn

by Robin's Nest

by my adorable friend Lauren

by one of my other friends, Teresa

Ok, now you go get the kit and show me what you make, too!!!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sweet Shoppe Summer Scrap A Thon

 First, let me say that I am not on any creative teams for Sweet Shoppe, so I'm legit not under any requirement to post these. I literally get nothing from it but sharing my excitement.

So this summer, the site is hosting a bunch of challenges. They post one pretty much every other day. I'm still one or two behind, but y'all know how much I love a theme. This year's theme is games (because of the Olympic Games). So clever.


This one was kind of complicated to describe, but here it is, lol. The kit I used was from Ponytail Designs. It's called Time for Me.

Scattegories: We picked a letter and did as many things as we could with that letter. I chose the letter S. Stars, Sidewalk Chalk, Sixteen Squares, etc). 

 For that one, I used a kit called A Little Dramatic by Kristin Cronin-Barrow. I actually find myself using this kit a LOT. 

Black Jack: We could only use 21 things and everything had to be B&W.
That's also using the kit mentioned above- A Little Dramatic

Wordle: We used a 5 letter title
So funny thing about this kit- I never would have purchased it because it's so not my style. But I think I've used it a least 3 times, so I'm very grateful I won it. It's called Today's Adventure by Amanda Yi.

Crazy 8s: We had to do 8 of everything. I think I ended up doing 8 things of 8. I don't remember.
 I used Sweet Tea & Sunshine from Ponytails Designs,

Game of Life: This one, I messed up on. I used a kit from GingerScraps, but this competition is for Sweet Shoppe, so this didn't count at all. So sad. It's ok, I was able to use it for a different contest at GingerScraps, but still.

The kit is Airplane Mode by GingerScraps

Chutes and Ladders: This one we had to use a ladder type stacks and also have a curvy element.
 This adorable kit is called Energy Saving Mode by Erica Zane

Ticket to Ride: We were supposed to put our favorite places to travel or our travel bucket list. So yeah, that was kind of a hard one for me.
This was a mini kit that was part of a prize for spending a certain amount at the shoppe. It's called Radiate Joy and it's by Traci Reed. I guess you can't get it now? Weird, because I contemplated getting the full kit eventually. Oh well, live and learn.

Tic Tac Toe: They provided the stitches in the Tic Tac Toe shape. I couldn't help but do a two page spread featuring our fun trip to the Gateway Children's Museum. Fun fact- on our way to the museum that day, it was literally raining mud. I had to pull over a few times to pour water on the windshield because it was so bad.

This is another fabulous kit from Ponytails called Shoot for the Stars

Yahtzee: We go to choose a dice and kind of replicate the "flow" of the face. I chose 2.
I'm sure you're shocked to hear that this is using that A Little Dramatic kit that I've already mentioned twice in this thread....

Candy Land: We had to put ice cream or candy on the page. This one I struggled with. For one, my kids don't eat a ton of candy ever since we did Feingold. So I had these fun pics of my siblings (most of em). As for the kit, it's super not my style. I had won it for free and it had ice cream in it. But yeah, this one isn't one of my favorites (except the people in it!)
The kit is called Adventureland and it's by Sweet Doll

Connect 4: We needed to take 4 photos that may not seem connected at all, but are. These photos were from the same zoo trip, but discombombulated. It's because they're the only cell phone pics I took that day. I'd love to do more zoo pages, but.... I can't find my hard drive that has ALL of my camera photos from 2021 at least one it....
Kit is from Crazy Monkey Designs and is called Zoo-pendous

Tetris: How fun was this?!?! We just needed to use Tetris shapes. So I did. This is the background paper I made first
and then I put this page on top of it.
I'm pretty much in love with it. Also, This kit!!! Can I just say- AMAZING. You'll probably see lots of pages from it. The kit is called All You Need and it's by Blagovesta Gosheva

Anyway, thanks for humoring me. :D