Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Quiet Church Activities

 Alright, friends, it's time to air my laundry. It's not dirty laundry, don't worry. HAHA. Ok, so Abraham is 8, has ADHD, and struggles. He can't take meds (the gag reflex is strong on this one) and I haven't had the chance/guts/mental ability to get him tested for autism. He does ok at school, but he also has pretty much a whole team there helping him out.

He struggles at home when watching TV (he destroys anything around him, esp remotes).

He struggles in the car.

He struggles in class at church.

BUT!!! I have amazing people in my life who love him and love me and together we've come up with some support and solutions. Many are a work in progress. I feel like we need a decent variety of options because with this kiddo, nothing is going to work more than 3 weeks in a row. We've got to be careful with sensory toys because they can easily become distractions. I will still be using some, but a little more carefully.

Here are the things we've come up with so far.

1. A fidget seat. 

2. A stretchy band across the bottom of his chair for his feet

3. A fidget blanket- this one will be like a smaller version of a weighted blanket with hooks to add keychains. Then we can switch out the fidget toys we attach to the keychains and they won't be thrown.

4. Calm Strips

5. I'm making my own. I don't know what to call it, but I plan on taking altoid tins and keychains and doing designs with my leftover diamond dots since they feel so cool.

            Here is one of the ones I made yesterday: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Co_d6YSJdQk/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

               And I made these, more for around the house than church because I'm pretty sure he's going to pick off the diamond drills, which is 100% ok and half of what it was made for. If it saves my remotes from being picked, I'm down with it. 

6. Worksheets. I'm making generic ones. Ones to him listening and also creative. Like this. You can use it, too, if you need. This one is specifically for New Testament. I will be making more later, but right now, it's all I got. (the graphics are from ones I've purchased, the jar from Pretty Grafik, the calculator and notebook are from Little Fox, and the tiger is from someone on etsy that didn't include their name in the file or folder, sorry)

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