Friday, April 24, 2009

Super Secret Tutorial- Circle Coaster Album


Ok, so I feel like a total genius!!! I was at Target with my mom the other day and saw some really cute paisley coasters. Now, you have to remember that I am borderline obsessed with paisley. I had seen them there before, but this time they were on clearance for $.98, so I knew they were phasing them out. So I bought them. I came home and tried to figure out what to do with them (since we don't ever ever ever use coasters at our house) and then it hit me..... A CIRCLE ALBUM!!!!!!! Now, in all fairness, when I came online to find circle layouts, I found that it had been done before, but not with THESE coasters, so HA!

So here is a tut.

You'll need:
2 coasters
a hole punch
binder ring or keychain ring
enough paper for desired layouts
clear glitter puff paint
coluzzle if you have one. If not, a pencil and a good pair of scissors

decide how many pages you want and cut out the circles. If you have a coluzzle, that's easy. If not, you'll have to trace the coaster and very carefully cut out the papers.


create your layouts

decorate your cover. I used clear and gold glitter to trace the design already there. It was great fun. I also added paper flowers.
punch your holes. First in your cover, then trace the circle onto each page, making sure the album will fit together.

put a keychain through all the holes

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