Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Whoo Are You- January 2

Remember, go to Night Owl Crafting. Grab the questions. Answer them on your blog. Link back your blog to Night Owl. Visit the other linked up people and comment on their blogs. It's a big party.

1. Do you use an alarm clock or some device to wake you up, or do you wake up on your own
I have kids. Is there another kind of alarm clock?
2. If you could go on any game show, which one would you choose?
Wheel of Fortune. :D But knowing me, I'd extra suck from the pressure.
3. Do you prefer the weather to be hot or cold?
HOT!!!! I love love love summer and absolutely hate winter. Tell me again why I live in Utah?
4.What color of clothing do you wear the most?
I love color, but I have noticed I wear lots of brown and orange. And purple.
5. What is your favorite color?
It's actually a color combo:


  1. hahaha they do make the best alarm clocks! I love your colors very poppy!!

  2. I always say I sleep hard in the mornings now because someday my kids will take that away from me. My husband thinks I'm ridiculous!

  3. Kids are the GREATEST alarm clock. There is no way you can hit the snooze. LOL. Kidding.

    I bet you will do great on Wheel of Fortune.

  4. lol I have the same type of alarm. Wish there was some way to reset them sometimes!

  5. what part of the central valley are you from? i am in los banos

  6. I don't know if they still play together 'cuz I don't follow the football....but there are still lots of fb games happening! I've only been there 7 months, I am from the Morgan Hill/Gilroy area. good to meet a fellow "valley girl"!


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